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Christ the King Catholic Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Crist y Brenin

Learning to Love. Loving to Learn

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Miss Abdi came back for a visit! She talked to us about being a Muslim.

AOLE Language Literacy and Communication. Darllen yn gymraeg.

Refugee Week 2024

Refugee Week 2024 we explored what makes a home and how we can make people feel at home. We are a School of Sanctuary.

AOLE Mathematics and Numeracy. Exploring fractions. Re using party plates.

Gemau Gymraeg

CTK Sports Day 2024

Sports Day 2024 Year 3 flat race.

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Sports Day year 3 flat races

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Sports Day 2024 Flat Race.

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Sports Day 2024 flat race.

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Sports Day 2024 races

AOLE Humanities. Rocks, Relics and Rumbles. Tsunami research.

First Holy Communion Party Day.

Volcano explosions. Investigating chemical reactions.

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AOLE Science and Technology CTK Science Week 2024 Making model volcanoes.

AOLE Science and Technology CTK Science Week 2024 Snap Circuits

AOLE Science and Technology Spakle Lab visit. Looking for slow and fast reactions.

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AOLE Science and Technology Spakle Lab visit. Looking for slow and fast reactions.

AOLE Science and Technology Spakle Lab visit. Looking for slow and fast reactions.

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AOLE Science and Technology Techniquest visit. Looking for slow and fast reactions. Learning about extreme weather and going to the shop.

AOLE Expressive Arts. Lead Creative Project week 5. Presentation to our families.

AOLE Humanities researching Mary Anning. We have brought books from home to share with our friends.

AOLE Expressive Arts. Lead Creative Project working with musician Will and mime artist Dominika. We performed our songs, searched for the lost keys to the story box and made wind chimes from the keys.

AOLE Science and technology. Mini beast research and drawing.

World Earth Day 2024

Forest School Easter Art. We looked for interesting textures and shapes to add to our Easter Egg collage. Using natural materials, looking at the different shades of green and adding texture. Outdoor Learning. AOLE Expressive Arts

Cutting cardboard, working with string to create a board we can weave interesting materials into, tying knots.

Congratulations to our Year 3 winner of the digital photography competition 🙌🏼

Making our ‘pop up’ Easter card. ‘He is Risen!’

Year 3 led the whole school reflection on the Resurrection story. We started in darkness, waiting together. Our families dames to join us and see the good news. ‘He is Risen’.

World Book Day 2024

World Book Day 2024 Dressed as our favourite characters, reading favourite books, a book swap lucky dip. AOLE Language Literacy and Communication.

Whole School assembly to hear about our Lent projects and Live Simply awards. We are supporting women in the Birth Partner Project with our baby item donations and this is meeting one of the targets of our CAFOD Live Simply award. It is also acting out our mission as a School of Sanctuary. Thank you to Mrs Stubly for coming to talk to us about how we are helping the new mums in need.

Living our school mission to serve others. Our Big Lent Walk to raise money for CAFOD

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus

Eisteddfod St. David’s Day

Eisteddfod AOLE Language Literacy and Communication sharing our talents and enjoying our Cynefin

AOLE Science and Technology - Signs of spring. 🐥 A visit from the chicks that hatched in our Reception class. We saw how their feathers are beginning to grow and change from fluffy to feathery. They were very strong and lively when we tried to hold them and made lots of noise.

AOLE Science and Technology taking part in a live lesson on Hwb with Dom Traynor from Adobe. We were learning how to use Adobe Express to make a fact flag about St. David. Friends from year 5 came to help us.

AOLE Expressive Arts some examples of our chalk pastel work to illustrate the storm in our class Talk for Writing story a Welsh Myth ‘Daughters of the Sea’.

AOLE Expressive Arts, Llanguage Literacy and Communication. Bigfoot Arts Drama Workshop a Welsh Legend Culhwch and Olwen.

AOLE Health & Well being: on Safer Internet Day we learned about safe passwords with PC Rhys

AOLE Language Literacy and Communication. Year 3 won the Tocyn Iath competition this week. Da iawn. 2nd February 2024

AOLE STEM. Our friends from year 5 came to show us how to use the Adobe suite on Hwb to create posters showing the rules for living in God’s kingdom. They helped us log in and get started.

AOLE STEM using digital media to create poster showing rules for God’s Kingdom on Earth.

AOLE Humanities. Educational visit to the Roman Legionary Museum at Caerleon. Amphitheater, Barracks and a visit to the medic. 30th January 2024

Big Schools’ Birdwatch 19th January 2024

We said good bye and good luck to our student teacher Miss Abdi. 26th January 2024

AOLE Mathematics and Numeracy, Science and Technology. Stop Motion times tables. 26th January 2024

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Heavy work together at Forest School collaborating to make dens. 12th January 2024

Forest School, lifting, moving, rolling, discussing, busy, heavy work.

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Advent 2023. Whole School Advent Mass, weekly liturgy to light the Advent candles, craft activities to create characters from the Christmas story.

Angels of Peace artwork inspired by Janet Stever AOLE Expressive Arts. We retold the Christmas story in pictures in sections of the Angel's skirts.

Wow tracker badges being presented to us by our Eco Team. December 2023

Whittling sticks that we collected in our outdoor learning session to make stick characters from the Christmas story. AOLE Expressive Arts

Show and Tell. December 2023. Our friend shared information about their pets and favourite animals.

Year 3 Christmas performance retelling the story of the Journey to Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus Christ.

Outdoor Learning at Forest School December 2023. Collecting sticks, whittling and sharing hot chocolate.

Whole School visit to the theatre to see ‘Santa’s Wish’. December 2023

World Children’s Day. Our Rights group led an assembly.

Maths - times table tennis.

Forest School planning session with our Creative Lead Practitioner Cat. Meditation, planting and reflecting on the creatures that share our school environment.

Year 4 came to share their end of topic presentations with us. They have been learning about the Blue Abyss.

STEM comparing the human skeleton to the skeleton of a predator.

Criw Cymraeg came to give us our new Welsh bag. This will be taken home each week so Dewi Ddraig can join in with the activities we do at home. We will write about our adventures in the special book.

Climate Week Live Webinar - day 4

Climate Week 2023 Eco Schools Wales live lesson 1. What is climate change? How do we know about global warming?

Climate Week live lesson.

Anti Bullying Week 2023

Forest School 10th November 2023. Leaf art making poppies.

Voting for our Senedd groups in UK Parliament week.

Discussing which Senedd group we would like to vote for. AOLE Language Literacy and Communication

Look who won the ‘Biggest Acorn’ competition in our Outdoor Art university group. Congratulations. Enjoy your prize.

Show Racism the Red Card - Wear Red Day 23 year 3 joined the online assembly and created posters to share the important messages with their families.

Wear Red Day 23

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Black History Month. Year 3 have studied the paintings of Alma Thomas a black artist, created fact files about her life and tried to paint in her style.

Black History Month. We studied the work of Jean Michel Basquiat a black artist and tried to create a work in pastels influenced by his style.

Black History Month. Year 3 chose an inspirational person that we have learned about to create a fact file on. Betty Campbell, Shirley Bassey, Alma Thomas, Jean Michel Basquiat.

AOLE Science and Technology. Creating food chains, using new science vocabulary as we sort and order predator, prey, consumers, producers, decomposes, apex predators.

AOLE STEM and Health and Well being. Year 3 first educational visit of the year to Newport Wetlands. We took part in an RSPB workshop and walked to the light house to see the mud flats.

Congratulations to our summer readers who completed the challenge at their local library and received a certificate and medal. Well done!

Using our Habits of Mind to complete homework this week. Well done for reading your bug club books and playing the maths blast game.

Harvest celebration 2023. We wore our brightest clothes to brighten up the harvest. One of our friends brought her giant pumpkin that she has grown in her garden to show us. We praised and thanked God for the harvest. We donated food to Cardiff Food Bank to help those in need. We donated money to CAFOD to help those in need in other countries. We are a serving community.

Welcome Mass 2023 we welcomed all the new pupils to our school.

AOLE Expressive Arts - Rock Steady Music came to tell us about the instruments we can learn in their lessons next half term. We joined in with the workshop.

Rock Steady Music workshop.

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Rock Steady Music

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Year 3 are wonderful at walking to school. These are our September walkers receiving their badge. WOW

Religious Education. Each week someone takes home the prayer bag and we love sharing the prayer we wrote with our family.

AOLE Mathematics and Numeracy generating 3 digit numbers.

Forest School 29th September #play #learn #revisit

Maths Outdoor Learning - multiples of 10

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Mini beast hunt!

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Creating an obstacle course balancing challenge for our friends. #freeplay #pupilvoice

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29th September Forest School. Maths, Science and Free Play

AOLE Mathematics and Numeracy. Place Value - representing 3 digit numbers using place value counters made from natural resources. Roll the die, make the number.

AOLE Health and Well-being, Science and Technology. Creating animal shelters again, we asked to repeat this activity with different animals. Fun learning outdoors.

AOLE Mathematics and numeracy. Place Value - represent 3 digit numbers using base 10

Immersion Day! Predator! We had a visit from Animal Zone UK and we’re able to get close to lots of Predators. We asked lots of good questions and found out new facts. AOLE Science and Technology.

AOLE Health and Well-being, Science and Technology - outdoor learning creating shelters for small world animals.

AOLE Science and Technology - creating shelters for our small world animals. Outdoor learning in the Forest School area.

P.E. Ball skills

AOLE Health and Well-being. Warm up in PE

Our first visit to Forest School this year. AOLE Health and Well-being.
