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Christ the King Catholic Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Crist y Brenin

Learning to Love. Loving to Learn

Dysgu caru, Dwlu dysgu.

We are a Gold Rights Respecting School
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Canon John Suporting our Faith Journey

Canon John visited to teach us about God's gift of the Eucharist and he remionded us how and why we should receive the host reverently and prayerfully.

Canon John explained to our foundation pupils how we become a member of Gods family through Baptism.

Canon John visited year 3 to talk about the letters of St. Paul and taught us a new song.

Canon John led our First Friday Prayer for Harvest 🙏🏻

Celebrating Canon Johns 40th Ordination

Sing and Sign Group celebrating with Canon John

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Canon John took part in our Collective Worship Learning Walk . He thought our pupils were very prayerful .

Canon John blessed our new Prayer 🙏🏻 Place and our Mindful Meadow

Canon John spoke to year 4 about our parish community

Canon John talks to Year 5 about marriage.

Christingle Liturgy led by Canon John

Reaching Out Advent Project-we are supporting St Teilo’s Parish during Advent.

Canon John celebrating a Baptism with our Foundation learners .

Canon John leading FP in their grave before meals .

Canon John meeting the Mini Vinnies

Canon John starting our school year with prayer 🙏🏻
