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Christ the King Catholic Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Crist y Brenin

Learning to Love. Loving to Learn

Dysgu caru, Dwlu dysgu.

We are a Gold Rights Respecting School
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Schools Of Sanctuary

Welcome! We are so glad that you have come to find out more about our journey to becoming a School of Sanctuary! Have a look at out welcome booklet which tells you what you might need to know about being a member of our school.

What is a School of Sanctuary?

Celebrating all that we do!

We are proud to be a School of Sanctuary.  This scheme encourages schools to create as welcoming an environment as possible to all of our families, especially those who may be seeking asylum or have refugee status. We believe that our involvement in this scheme enhances our ability to provide the best possible support to the children and families in our care. Please click on the School of Sanctuary Link above for more information.

What can I do to help?

Stories to share

Using stories to learn and improve our knowledge about topics is so important to us.  Below are some of the books which we have used throughout our school.

Little Amal | The Walk Highlights 2021

In 2021 Little Amal, a young refugee, embarked on a remarkable journey - an epic voyage that took her across Turkey, across Europe. To get back to school. To start a new life. Since her journey began she has travelled to 15 countries and been welcomed by two million people on the streets and by tens of millions online.
