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Christ the King Catholic Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Crist y Brenin

Learning to Love. Loving to Learn

Dysgu caru, Dwlu dysgu.

We are a Gold Rights Respecting School
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Year 5

Year 5 2024-25


Croeso! Welcome to Year 5


You will find important information about our class on this page.


 Please note:

  • All of your clothing and belongings need to be clearly labelled with your name.
  • You need to bring your book bag to and from school each day. 
  • Remember to bring a labelled water bottle to school each day and a piece of fruit for snack time. You may buy a piece of fruit for 25p from our fruit tuck shop. 
  • PE sessions will take place each Tuesday and alternate Thursdays 

    Forest School sessions will take place alternate Thursdays

       If it is a PE day or Forest School day, you should wear PE kit to school:

            Plain navy polo/T-shirt or school logo T-shirt

            Navy blue or black shorts/joggers

            Plain navy sweatshirt



You also need to bring wellies, waterproof trousers and a waterproof coat for Forest School sessions

  •  Learning Log - your home learning activities will be posted on Google Classroom to be completed by the following Monday 



Mrs H Oyston

Year 4 2023-24



Year 3 2022-23



Year 2 2021-22


Mrs H. Oyston

 Year 1 2020-21

 Early Years 2019-2020

Whoops a Daisy Angel 2019

Still image for this video

Early Years Overview 2018-19

Spring Medium term Planning Wild World

Summer Medium term Planning There is no such thing as a Gruffalo ....

Fairytale Fun

New life in Reception Class

Christmas play Information

Reception Forest School 2018-19

We are making friends and settling in to our new class.

Our first PE lesson was so much fun!

Number and Play with our parents

Number and Play Session 2 - We are going on a shape hunt!

We are working hard to form our letters correctly.

We are learning our class prayers.
