Art week photography project - using forced perspective.
Djembe drums 20th June
Refugee Week 16th June
First Holy Communion 2023
First Holy Communion class celebration
First Holy Communion Class Mass
Sports Day 2023
Pbuzz lesson 12th June
Djembe drumming
Forest School 12th June creating stop motion films to represent times tables.
Sharing class mass with year 4 - Mary the Mother of God
Mass at Christ the King Church 25th May 2023
Canon John blessed our mindful meadow. A quiet calm space for prayer and meditation.
Sponsored Sports Circuit Challenge 2023
A visit to St. David’s College to watch a performance of Moana 16th May 2023
Planning our class liturgy - Ascension Day
Finding out about another faith - Islam. What happens at the Mosque?
Forest School 16th May
Collective worship - Energy
Forest School free play 9th May 2023
First session with the Djembe Drums learning pattern 1 ‘mashed potato’. Great fun!
Writing our compliment slips to our talk partners before we change partners. 15th May 2023
Year 3 received the gift of a Rosary from the Catenians to help focus our prayer in May.
AOLE STEM and Expressive Arts. Digital media, creating pic collages to show our School mission statement in action.
Coronation preparations. Making crown and party windmills at Forest School. 2nd May 2023
AOLE Mathematics and Numeracy - measuring our talk partner for the perfect crown fit. Expressive Arts design and pattern, creating a perfect crown to suit our friends.
AOLE Health and Well-being Working on passing skills, sending and receiving with a partner.
AOLE Language, Literacy and Communication - year 3 really enjoy our weekly visit to the school library. 21st April 2023
Forest School 21st April 2023. Exploring Topic 7 Come and See. Energy in the wind. We made windmills and tried them out.
Turn and Talk getting to know our new talk partners.
AOLE Health and Well-being. Travelling in different ways using low, middle and high levels in our routine. We enjoyed performing for each other and sharing positive feedback and ways to improve.
R.E. Come and See Topic 6. Giving All. L.F. 6 making Easter Cards with a message taken from the scriptures telling the story of the Resurrection.
We joined the year 5 liturgy retelling the events of the Last supper. Holy Week liturgies 2023
Holy Week Enterprise Fair 2023
Reconciliation Service 21st March 2023
Forest School 21st March 2023 developing our knot and lashing skills to create crosses for our enterprise project.
World Book Day 2023
Snow Day 8th March 2023
AOLE - Humanities and Expressive Arts. Mosaic Masters. We looked carefully at pictures Roman Mosaics and made observational drawing of the features. We looked carefully at the borders and tried to recreate them in paper and digitally.
Eisteddfod 2023 Art competition winners. Year 3.
Eisteddfod 1st March 2023 celebrating cynefin.
Forest School 14th February 2023 AOLE Expressive Arts - collecting natural resources and creating a piece of art that shows our love for outdoor sessions.
AOLE Science and Technology. RSPB Big School Birdwatch 7th February 2023
Outdoor learning Roman Style. Making bows and arrows with careful measurements and building a fort to defend ourselves.
Roman research and collaborative poster making. What do you know? What would you like to find out?
AOLE Mathematics. Learning the 2, 4 and 8 times table.
Researching facts about the countries taking part in the Men’s Football World Cup 2022. AOLES - STEM, LLC, Mathematics and Numeracy. Developing our Habits of Mind - persisting and using past knowledge. 2nd December 2022.
Christmas cards and carol service 2022
Carol Concert costumes 2022
R.E. We joined the CAFOD Advent assembly and reflected on how we can prepare for the Jesus birthday. We made a pledge to carry out an act of kindness to let our light shine. 2nd December 2022
AOLE Mathematics and Numeracy. Recognising amounts and numbers to 999. Adding three digit numbers crossing the 10.
The Rippling Rights Senedd group came to visit us with a gift. A rain cloud and raindrops to keep Ricky the raindrop company on our class charter display. Year 3 know that ‘We all have rights!’ Article 1.
Outdoor Learning at the Forest School 27th November 2022. Preparing the Jesse Tree for R.E. Making a shelter for the elf on the shelf -STEM and some free play pretending we are the elves coming to visit Forest School and cause mischief!
Outdoor Learning Stem challenge. Can you work as a team and make a chair to carry a friend around like a king at Forest School? Who is the heaviest / lightest? How far can we carry them? Great questions and problem solving.
STEM challenge make your own elf from the natural materials at Forest School and create a shelter for your elf. Which shape makes the strongest shelter?
The Feast of Christ the King
AOLE LLC - We went to the book fair and chose books we would like to read in class. Year 3 love to share books. We are great readers. AOLE Mathematics and Numeracy - we looked at the prices of each book and talked about the ones that cost the most or least. What could we buy for £10? We wrote the titles and prices on our wish list to take home.
AOLE Science and Technology - Mrs Keegan and Reception class invited us to share a story and listen to their Eco problem! They need our help. Their story this week is about the ice melting at the North Pole. Oh no! Santa and his elves need help to save their home. What can we do to help?
Forest School making elves and chairs to carry a friend. 22nd November 2022
R.E. Collective Worship end of topic rejoice and gather. Promise Topic 2. Gather. Listen to the Word. Action. Go forth.
AOLE LLC, Well-being. Meeting our new talk partners. Remembering to turn and talk. 15th November 2022
Playing tennis times tables with our new talk partners. Being good listeners and taking turns to speak. AOLE Mathematicsand Numeracy, LLC.
Anti bullying Week 2022 Reach Out.
Antibullying Week 2022 Reach out! Team building games in our outdoor learning at Forest School. Can you make a balance with the right amount of push pressure? Do you trust your partner? Hoop games. Pass the hoop around the circle without letting go of your partners hands. 15th November 2022
Anti bullying week 2022 We joined the BBC Live Lesson. Reach Out! Who should you tell?
Anti bullying Week 2022. P.C. Rhys came to work with us to talk about friendships and speaking out if we see bullying in our school or community. 14th November 2022
Odd Socks Day 2022 Anti-bullying Week. Celebrate what makes us unique and spread kindness.
Odd Socks Day 2022
Meet our new class friend ‘Ricky the Raindrop’. We voted on our favourite name for him and thought about what name would go well with Rocksy our whole school Rights Respecting mascot. We know we all have rights - article 1. 16th November 2022
Remembrance Day 11th November 2022. We led the whole school liturgy. Mrs Miles was very proud of us!
Rembrance Day 2022
Remembrance Day 2022. We joined the Royal British Legion live assembly for the 2 minute silence.
Protecting Our Planet Day 10th November 2022 We talked about predators who live on the ice and how climate change is affecting them. We joined a live STEM lesson with BBC Teach.
AOLE - LLC. We worked on speaking clearly and projecting our voice to share an important message about remembrance. We rehearsed a little bit each day this week to prepare for the whole school liturgy. We had to use our memory and learn our lines. 9th November 2022
Remembrance Art. Creating poppies for the prayer focus in our liturgy. AOLE - Expressive Arts. 9th November 2022
Remembrance Poppies
Outdoor Learning. AOLE - Expressive Arts Creating leaf art. Challenge: Can you make a poppy, marigold or sunflower from the natural resources in the Forest School area? 8th November 2022
Well-being! Fun with our friends at Forest School. 8th November 2022
We joined year 4 for their class mass at Christ the King Church. Soon it will be our turn to read and carry out ministries at church. We are capable,confident citizens. We enjoy taking on responsibilities in our community. 27th October 2022
Listen to part of this term’s Talk for Writing story. ‘How I became a dog called Midnight’. AOLE - LLC, Technology, Expressive Arts. 26th October 2022
AOLE - LLC Listen to the start of our Talk for Writing story ‘How I Became a Dog Called Midnight’. 26th October 2022
AOLE - Health and Well-being P.E. A quick game of rounders on the field. Making the most of the good weather.
Outdoor Learning. AOLE - Mathematics and Numeracy. Creating a symmetrical picture from natural resources. Creating a leaf kebab or necklace sorting the leaves in size order. 25th October 2022
Forest School Outdoor Learning. AOLE Mathematics and numeracy. Making leaf necklaces and creating symmetrical pictures. 25th October 2022
AOLE - LLC editing our story maps and checking errors in spelling. Using green hat thinking. Green for growth.
Show Racism the Red Card 21st October 2022. We wore red to show our support and joined the online assembly.
Educational visit to the Welsh College of Music for a Rhythm Workshop. We used the train and walked to the venue. A great experience for everyone. AOLE -Expressive Arts. We are ambitious and capable learners. We are active learners and enjoy taking part in events.
Rhythm Workshop at the Welsh College of Music and Drama. 20th October 2022
Taking part in the Rhythm Workshop. Creative learners.
Outdoor learning October 20222
Forest school Outdoor Learning 18th October 2022. STEM - building the bug hotel. AOLE Mathematics and Numeracy revising our number bonds with natural resources. AOLE LLC - All aboard a pirate ship! Acting out our own stories in free play. AOLE - Health and Well-being learning outdoors and sharing hot chocolate while we reflect on our learning.
Thinking Skills - we started to use our thinking hats to evaluate our trip to the park. We know red hat thinking is about feelings, white hat is facts and yellow hat the positives about the trip. Great discussion!
Shwmae Day 2022
AOLE Health and Well-being, Humanities, Language Literacy and Communication. Educational visit to Glamorgan Cricket Ground at Sophia Gardens 13th October 2022
Year 3 Class Visit to Glamorgan Cricket at Sophia Gardens 11th October 2022
Year 3 Visit to Bute Park Cardiff 11th October 2022