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Christ the King Catholic Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Crist y Brenin

Learning to Love. Loving to Learn

Dysgu caru, Dwlu dysgu.

We are a Gold Rights Respecting School
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School and Parish Masses

Taking part in the ministries at the Y6 Transition Mass at Corpus Christi Catholic High School

Leading the ministries alongside Holy Family school at the Cardiff transition Mass at St David's Cathedral, June 2024

Year 6 leading the ministries in Mass at St Teilo's Church

Feast Day Mass Nov 26th 2023 Christ is our King

Welcome Mass Gloria.

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Welcome Mass Psalm.

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End of year Mass July 2023. A celebration of year 6’s time at Christ the King and the learning and fun we have all had this year. A gift from the reception class to the buddies at the end.

End of year Mass.

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Psalm end of year Mass

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Glory to God! End of Year Mass

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Feast of St Peter and Paul

Year 3 and Year 4 celebrated mass together at Christ the King Church. ‘A Special Meal.’ The first class mass where year 3 could receive Holy Communion with their friends.

Feast of Corpus Christi Mass at St Teilo’s Parish 2023

Year 6 Class Mass Spring 2023

Advent Mass at Christ the King church 2022

Feast of Christ the King Mass Sunday 20th November

Year 3 and 6 Carol Service 2022

Year 3 joined Year 4 for their class mass on the theme of ‘Community’ at Christ the King church. We prayed together and year 3 watched carefully as year 4 carried out the ministries with reverence and respect. Year 3 are looking forward to making their first holy communion and sharing a mass with the parish later this year.

Year 5 Class Mass Autumn 2022

Year 6 Class Mass Autumn 2022

Year 6 Leavers Mass at the Cathedral . Year 6 met our new Archbishop Mark

Christ the King Feast Day Mass 2021

Welcome Mass 2021 We were able to have a Welcome Mass in our school this September . Canon Matthew came back to the school and we welcomed our Reception Class into our circle of  friendship . The pupils were extremely prayerful and it was so wonderful that some of our school community could join together to worship once again . 



50th Anniversary Mass
