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Christ the King Catholic Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Crist y Brenin

Learning to Love. Loving to Learn

Dysgu caru, Dwlu dysgu.

We are a Gold Rights Respecting School
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Faith Journey

Topic 8 Building Bridges: Using Adobe to explore St Paul's letter to the Colossians

Canon John visited us to help us understand the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

‘New Life’ liturgical celebration

'Life to the Full' Unit 3 Emotional Wellbeing

Good Friday Reflection

Good Friday digital collaborative presentation

Sharing our religious understanding with our friends in Year 1

Making Easter crosses in Forest School

Lenten Collective Worship

'Life to the Full' RSE

Creating prayers for our prayer garden

'Community' Mass

Topic 4: Community

Y4 Nativity

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Y4 Nativity

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Y4 Nativity

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'Gifts' Class liturgy

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'Gifts' Class Liturgy

Y4 Christmas Liturgy: 'The Greatest Gift'

Creating the food planters as part of the enhancement of the school prayer garden

‘Called’ class liturgy

'Called' Mass

Welcoming the statue of Our lady of Fatima to our classes

Our Fertile Heart lesson thinking about true happiness

Canon John teaches us

We led the Remembrance Service in November 2023

Our RSE Fertile Heart work
