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Christ the King Catholic Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Crist y Brenin

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Mission Week and Missio Activities

MISSIO Day of Many Colours 2023

United Together in Peace

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Our Day of Many Colours Festival

Good Shepherd Liturgy at the Cathedral

Mission week at Christ the King 




Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the Glory of God” Romans 15:7

During the week of 17th – 21st October, the school held a very special school Mission. During this week,  staff and pupils along with parents, grandparents and the parish priests revisited our Mission as a Catholic School, to remind ourselves that Christ and the values he taught are central to everything that we do and to explore new ways of nurturing faith within our community.

          The theme of our mission was “All are Welcome.”Throughout the five days of the mission, staff and children used Drama, Sign Language, Prayer, Meditation, Mime, Dance, Art, IT and Music to present the Gospel in a relevant and effective way. Our parish priests, visitors and staff worked with groups of children using the curriculum to create environments to encourage openness to personal experiences of God.

          This was a very enriching experience for us all and allowed us to share our faith and encouraged others to grow in theirs, and encouraged our pupils and others to actively participate in the wider community life of the church.

Each day we had a different theme linked to our Mission Statement.

Day 1- A welcoming community: that recognises and welcomes the presence of Christ through our respect and love for one another. Article 30
We held a Grandparents afternoon; they visited different classrooms. They also had a chance to meet other grandparents within the school while they ate delicious caked baked by the pupils of our school.


Day 2- A learning community: that values and fosters the learning of the whole community. Article 28 and 29 Image result for Rights of the child


During this day we learnt about another faith, Judaism. Year 3 and 4 visited a local synagogue; they were shown the Jewish Holy Book, The Torah. During lessons the pupils learnt how Jewish people celebrate Shabbat by having a special meal and being together as a family. They made Hanukkah candles, compared Jewish and Christian symbols, designed their own Menorah and tasted apples and honey as they discussed the Jewish New Year Celebration of Rosh Hashanah. It was a wonderful day for all. 

Day 3: A respecting community  -  that follows the teaching of Christ to love our neighbour as ourselves. Article 23


We held a Food around the World afternoon. Parents were invited to bring in traditional food from their country of origin. We had dishes from France, Italy, Philippines, Morocco, Ireland, and Spain. It was a wonderful afternoon and the parents were entertained by Years 3 and 5 with the songs from their Harvest Festival Celebration.


Day 4 - A worshipping community: that holds and celebrates Christ as the centre of its faith and life. Article 19 


During this day the pupils organised and led their own liturgies, participated in outdoor prayers to celebrate Gods wonderful world and celebrated acts of kindness and love within our school community. It was a time for reflection and stillness, a time to talk to and listen to Our Lord and to be at peace with the world around us. The pupils from the youngest to the oldest showed great respect and reverence.


Day 5- A serving community: that enables its pupils to serve each other.

Article 2

Pupils organised, packed, wrapped and labelled over 70 shoeboxes to support our parish of Christ the King with their Link to Hope Appeal.


Reconciliation Prayer service


During the week we also held a Reconciliation Service.  Canon Matthew and Canon Isaac came to our school and pupils were invited to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It was also a time to sit at one of the prayer stations and spend some reflection time in the presence of our Lord.

