25/5/23 Exploring Instruments and Sound
We loved exploring how different instruments made different pitches and how we could control the volume. We've designed our own instruments ready to create tomorrow! Wish us luck!
25/5/23 Blessing the Mindfullness Meadow.
We were lucky to be joined by Canon John who blessed the beautiful Mindfullness Meadow that we have designed and made in Year 4. As part of God's creation it will grow into a beautiful space where we can quietly reflect and spend time with God.
19/5/23 St David's College Performance of Moana
We were fortunate to be invited to St David's Sixth Form College to see the students performance of Moana, it was absolutely fantastic! So talented and hard working to produce such a show. We even recognised a pupil who went to Christ the King not very long ago!
19/5/23 Celebrating Ukranian Vyshyvanka Day
18/5/23 Celebrating our Class Liturgy
Today we collaborated as a whole class to design a Liturgy based around our recent RE Topic Pentecost. We deisgned a chain of promises that we shared and made together during the Liturgy promising how we would share the Good News message in our lives today.
5/5/23 Celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III
We designed commemorative plates, a modern version of the King's coat of arms, coronation invitations, created and completed crosswords, a cypher poster and a symmetrical sketch of Westminster Abbey.
4/5/23 A special visit from Toby and Mrs Buckland!
3/5/23 Netball Skills
We learnt three different netball passes today and we did really well applying our skills in team games!
3/5/23 Welsh Games
Had fun practicing Welsh Commands when we were playing games today! Ardderchod pawb!
28/4/23 Pentecost Artwork
A video of our bright, beautiful artwork inspired by the Feast of Pentecost. The movement and excitement of the Holy Spirit are captured perfectly by Year 4
19/4/23 Iron Man at Forest School
We used natural materials to interpret 'The Iron Man' in Forest School.
31/3/23 Class Easter Liturgy
A beautiful end to our Easter RE Topic with a Y4 Class Liturgy planned and led by our classmates. We all enjoyed celebrating with 'Lord I lift your name on high!'
30/3/23 A moving and touching Good Friday Liturgy
24/3/23 Our Enterprise Easter Fayre Bookmarks
Designing, makingg and calculating the costs associated with our Enterprise Easter Bookmarks. We had a whole class prouduction line with colouring, trimming, laminating and adding tassels. 89 beautiful completed bookmarks so far....
22/3/23 Holy Communion and Year 1
Year 1 gathered lots of questions to ask Year 4 about receiving their Holy Communion. We discussed receiving the host, feeling the Holy Spirit inside us and why the Year 4 children wore white.
21/3/23 Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Diolch yn fawr i Canon John and Fr Andy for celebrating the sacrament of Reconciliation with Key Stage 2 today. We reflected and learnt about the importance of forgiveness and the power of prayer.
20/3/23 Our finished designs
We produced beautiful stained glass designs based on the theme of the Eucharist.
17/3/23 Our Eucharist Class Liturgy
So proud of our class leading today's liturgy beased on our Eucharist topic. We shared bread together and reflected as a class community.
17/3/23 Beautiful Artwork
Designing stained glass windows based on the theme of the Eucharist.
10/3/23 Cafod 'Big Lent Walk'
We enjoyed joining with the whole school community for Cafod's Big Lent Walk! We walked with Year 2.
9/3/23 ‘Rotten Romans’ Film Trip
We visited Chapter Arts for an ‘IntoFilm’ screening of the Horrible Histories film
’Rotten Romans’ with year 3. It was a great film and we hope to be able to visit again soon!
8/3/23 World Book Day
We celebrated our love of books with our own Christ the King World Book Day! I wonder if you can work out which characters we came in dressed as? We discussed our favourite books and completed the Quiz Challenge set by the Reading Champions.
8/3/23 Snow Day fun!
Enjoying our breaktime with our friends in the snow
7/3/23 Art Wales Project
We are really enjoying working with artists' Mo and Nancy as we embark on our project with Arts Wales. We are learning about the history of weaving willow and creating mosaics.
3/3/23 Year 4 Class Liturgy
A beautiful reflective Class Liturgy to finish our Community Topic in Year 4, led and designed by our classmates.
14/2/23 Forest Schools
Smiles and fun, problem solving and collaborating, creating and designing.
13/2/23 Express yourself Day in Year 4
10/2/23 Rhiannon Artwork
Year 4 created a fantastic Collaborative Artwork based on the beautiful creative, colourful designs of Rhiannon Art. Year 4 particularly were focusing on tone and colour ready for our Eisteddfod designs whilst listening to #miwsigcymraeg
3/2/23 Bottoms Burps and Bile
A big thank you to Mrs Kimberley for coming into Year 4 to talk about her role as a Speech and Language Therapist, linking with our topic. WE explored how we swallow, discussed dysphasia, watched a video fluroscopy and had some thickener to taste! We had a very insightful look into how difficulties with the digestive system and swallowing can be treated practically.
3/2/23 CTK Stars Target - 25 Stars
Very proud of these CTK Stars from Blwyddyn 4 with their Bronze Awards!
30/1/23 PC Rhys visit about Online Safety
Diolch yn fawr iawn to PC Rhys for coming in to talk to Year 4 about online safety.
26/1/23 Canon John talks about roles within the Church.
Canon John visited Blwyddyn 4 to discuss the different roles within our Church Community, we acted out the lay parts to help Canon celebrate Mass. Some of the roles included Sacristan, Liturgist, Choir, Reader, Altar Server, Eucharistic Minister and Welcomer.
20/1/23 - Active Travel Champions
Congratulations to Blwyddyn 4 for winning this weeks Active Travel Award for the highest percentage of Walks to School! Archerddog pawb!
20/1/23 Ice Mobiles
Our beautiful Ice Mobiles from forest schools froze in their moulds. We noticed most of our symmetrical natural designs had melted away by 10:30am.
18/1/23 Investigating our bodies....
How does exercise affect our BPM? What is the mpost accurate way of recording our results? Can we use graphs to explain our results? Can we use graphs to explain our findings? Can we interpret graphs of famous athletes?
16/1/23 Virtues Assembly
Congratulations to these pupils who demostrated our 'Faith-filled' and 'Hopeful' virtues for this term.
17/1/23 Helpwr Heddiw
We enjoyed playing 'Budge' to practise our sentence patterns with our partners. 'Beth wyt ti'n gallu gwneud?'
13/1/23 Helpwr Heddiw
Diolch yn fawr iawn i Mrs Bowhay for our fantastic Helpwr Heddiw session this morning, alongside our own Bingo Cymraeg yn Blwyddyn 4.
9/1/23 New Year, New Term, New Start.
Welcome back and straight back to fantastic teamwork and effort in everything we do!
22/12/22 Christmas Crafts and Games Fun
After a busy term, it was great fun to enjoy sharing our games and toys with our friends, some biscuit decorating, sewing and quality time with our classmates. Nadolig Llawen pawb!
20/12/22 A Festive Forest Schools Session
Beautiful Natural Christmas Decorations.
20/12/22 An Amazing Maze
Using so many skills, plotting co-prdinates, measuring area and perimeter, planning algorithms to create a code to get to the treasure!
20/12/22 - Discussing the 'Big Question'
A great P4C session discussing 'What Makes a Hero?'
16/12/22 The Greatest Show
With Year 5 we performed the fantastic musical extravaganza 'The Greatest Show' to our school community. We are all so proud of the finished show sharing our singing, acting and performing talents. Well done to everyone who participated!
16/12/22 Feeling Festive!
What a fun week we've had in Year 4.
8/12/22 Football Skills
We are Helathy and confident footballers in Blwyddyn 4. Developing our skills and confidence playing well as a team, today we were Argentina, Brazil, France and England in our own World Cup!
25/11/22 - Exploring Judaism
Today we studied Jewish artefacts, tried writing in Hebrew and exploredmthe celebration of Bar and Bat Mitzvah .
24/11/22 Making Advent Wreaths
Today we foraged for and made an Advent Wreath for each Class Prayer Focus at Christ the King, we worked together in groups and then presented them to each class along with a scroll explaining the special meaning behind the Advent Wreath, its shape and the candles. Well done Blwyddyn 4!
18/11/22 Liturgical Reflection
Today we designed a Liturgical Reflection based on the hymn 'Christ be our Light' that could be shared at a Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
17/11/22 A visit from Canon John
We had a very special visitor in our Classroom today, Canon John Griffiths (from St Teilos Parish) came in to Year 4 to talk to us about the special Sacrament of Confirmation. We also sang a hymn and prayed together. Thank you Canon John from all of us in Year 4.
10.11.22 Cwpan Y Byd Urdd Jambori
Blwyddyn 4 really enjoyed joining with other schools around Wales as part of the Cwpan y Byd Urdd Jambori.
27/10/22 Researching, designing and making our shoeboxes.
We are creative confident learners in Year 4, designing amazing fact shoeboxes based on different ocean habitats . We used air drying clay to sculpt the creatures and used wire to make them ‘swim’ inside the shoebox. We will share the finished creations very soon.
27/10/22 Year 4 Mass at Christ the King
Year 4 led our first ever Class Mass this morning, reflecting on the importance of Community. Beautiful reading, singing, signing and participating in the Celebration with Canon Matthew. We look forward to celebrating our next class Mass in the spring term.
14/10/22 Shwmae Su'mae Day
We celebrated using our Welsh language by starting every converastion with the word "Shwmae!" Da Iawn Blwyddyn 4!
14/10/22 Class Liturgy
We finished our first topic with a beautiful Liturgy reflecting on Jesus' family and our own families. We each bought an autumn leaf with the names of our families on to the Litrugy, to remind ourselves who we were praying for. We listened to Matthew's Gospel and then reflected on some bidding prayers written by our class. We ended the Liturgy with a Mission to go forth and help one member of our family through our actions this weekend. We concluded the Liturgy singing and signing 'You have Called Us'.
13/10/22 Glamorgan Cricket Club trip
We were very lucky to be invited back to the home of Glamorgan Cricket at Sophia Gardens, we had a fun-filled day packed with a talk about teamwork from Andrew, coaching skills and a game of cricket with Coach Ed, a talk about healthy eating and then a visit to the Press area where the journalists work with Paul. Apologies that we didn't manage to get an action shot of everyone during the cricket game, some of you were just too fast and blurry! Hopefully this will be the first of many trips in Year 4.
11/10/22 Our new Class Novel - Boy Under Water
We are really enjoying our Blue Abyss topic and today started a great Class Novel together...
11/10/22 Forest School Fun
Teamwork and Collaboration to solve problems in forest schools
30/9/22 Pupil Voice and Democracy in Action!
Developing our fantastic group work skills, when deciding on names for our class fish.
30/9/2 Musical Performance
We were very lucky to have Dave and Georgie from CAVM Service come into our classroom sharing their talents playing a vairety of woodwind and brass instruments.
30/9/22 Cymraeg Bendegedig!
Developing welsh vocabulary composing our own sentences.
23/9/22 Golden Time - We have the Right to Play.
Here we our enjoying our time with our friends in the autumn sunshine. We’re all healthy and confident individuals.
23/9/22 Exploring our class fish tank
A fantastic afternoon exploring, identifying and creating observation drawings of our class fish. We have 4 wagtail platys, 4 zebra danios, 2 bronze corys and 5 harlequin Rasbora in the year 4 tank. Next step will be deciding names for them all...
22/9/22 - Blue Abyss topic
We are developing our research skills and finding out so many interesting facts in our Blue Abyss topic. Excitingly our class fishtank arrives tomorrow!
16/9/22 Musical Performance 🎶
A big thank you to Mr Dooley for coming into year 4 to play the violin and the ‘cello for us. We enjoyed listening and comparing the string instruments.
16/9/22 - King Charles III visits Cardiff.
Today we watched some of the live broadcast of our new King Charles III visiting Llandaff cathedral and Cardiff Castle.
14/9/22 - Our Changing World.
Today Year 4 produced some fantastic work reflecting on the life of Queen Elizabeth II, identifying vocabulary and exploring the meaning of words chosen.
8/9/22 - Year 4 Team Building
We are collaborative learners in Year 4. Mrs Baralos set us the challenge of working together to complete a 500 piece jigsaw inspired by our Blue Abyss topic! We took just over 30 minutes to complete the challenge!
6/9/22 - Welcome to Year 4
We've enjoyed exploring the story 'It's Your World Now' whilst revisiting the class charter that we created in our transition days.